This is a more in-depth discussion of Step 2 identified in the initial article: Taming the Mind Monster. Step 2 follows: Take each item and write out why you think or feel that way. This is the brainstorming process that lets you take things out of your head and move to real concrete words. By the way, you can write whatever you want. Use any words you like. This is your paper and no one else needs to see it. The goal is to get everything out of your head. You may recall Step 1 is to capture all your thoughts and emotions about what your are doing with your property (or any other project, task, plan, etc.). I think this is a good time to highlight how hard this is. Most do not have the patience to sit and go through this process although it only takes between 10 to 30 minutes (all 4 steps, not just this one step) to complete if you commit yourself to doing it. The other reason people find this hard to do is because they feel they can figure it all out in their heads. There are very few that can do that. I have not met anyone who can do it all in their head. Not that we are not capable, it is that we have not practiced staying focused on one item long enough to complete the required thinking. This is hard work. But the payoff is huge. Staying focus. One quick note about staying focused. Example: Try to complete anything you do without checking your phone/email/text or any other notification system you have set up. Most of us are distracted by a ding from some technology. Hence the challenge to do this alone versus a coach or someone to hold you accountable is tough. It doesn’t mean you have to share the information with this person. It is someone who keeps you focused and goes from one step to the next. It reminds me of my days in school when the teacher would say “Get back to work” meaning we were daydreaming when we had work to do. I cannot over-emphasize that this is a very private process (although I do recommend having to keep you on task). When you have worked through all the questions and emotions, then you can feel confident about sharing with those close to you so they understand where you are coming from and then take in other input or information. You are now operating from a solid foundation since you have done the work to get you ready for the next step. Stay tuned for Step 3. If you want some help going through this process now, don’t hesitate to reach out. We would be honored and value the opportunity to participate in this process for you.
Taming the Mind Monster: Part 3, Step 2