I want to share my December 2024 Health issues and ask you to look at your current health and how to make it better. Consider how your health could improve if you changed only 3 to 5 things. Remembering the expression that if you keep doing what you have always done you will keep getting what you have always gotten.
My December 2024 rang my bell with a possible (not yet finalized because it may not be cancer) diagnosis of cancer, as well as what some would consider a minor issue in comparison, sciatic pain. Some would say the sciatic pain was minor, except if you have or are living with it. That pain caused this issue to jump to the front of the line. I dealt with it through December and hope to resolve it in January.
I will not bore you with what you should or shouldn’t do health-wise. There is more information and professionals that can do that better than I can. All I am asking is for you to consider taking a look at what you are doing (eating and drinking) and ask yourself if it is the best for your health. And if not, change it.
I also want to mention when you do experience these types of health issues, I hope you have the support I had and have from family and friends. I am blessed to no end and encourage you to spend time on those relationships. It makes all the difference.