If I were to post this question on social media, I would have answers to review nonstop for days and perhaps weeks. Some would be one-word answers, and others would be paragraphs. Some would send me books and articles to ensure I covered everything.
There would be lots of duplication like goals, commitment, purpose, focus, etc. And all of them are right. However, I have been reminded recently that the one thing every success has is measurement.
This is critical to highlight because nothing is accomplished without some type of measurement. Some of the other reasons to ensure there is a measurement (yes, I know, some call it accountability and many other things) is so we know it has been completed. Now, the measurement can be a one-time event, or it can be daily, weekly, … lifetime.
Additionally, measurement many times leads us to how to do something so it is successful. It may require coordination or collaboration to complete the project to success.
I want to add a different perspective. The greatest successes I have ever had were internally driven. I bring this up because I have also found if I want to do something and I don’t decide on the measurement when I get started it usually ends up incomplete (also known as failure). Once I know what success looks like (measurement), I can commit myself (since it is internal) to getting it done.
So now to bring it home to real estate since that is what I love. How do you measure your success?
If you are a Seller, what is the measurement you will use? Will it strictly be the price? Will it be cash flow? Will it be a down payment? Will it be how long it takes to sell the property?
If you are a Buyer, what is the measurement you will use? Will it strictly be the price? Will it be the condition of the home? Will it be the amenities? Will it be the schools? Will it be the area (urban, suburban, country, etc.)?
Everyone involved in real estate or any endeavor should not only state what success is but include the (internal) measurement that will allow you to look in the mirror and say that the outcome was successful. This just about guarantees a very successful life.